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Rechargeable batteries that form part of portable products such as laptops and audio devices are guaranteed for 6-months providing the supplied use and care instructions are followed.Insect infestation and/or water damage voids the Warranty.

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The Ultimate Team expansion will be released on March 19 and there will be a clever trial version of the mode that you can try before purchase that grants you a set of cards and players and allows you to play five matches.Please ensure your product purchase was demonstrated

"A dedicated team developed FIFA 09 Ultimate Team and they have created a game within the game, delivering a strategic new way to play FIFA 09 that will create hundreds of additional hours of playing time." We are seeing a record number of individuals globally playing FIFA 09 online so we are focused on developing games that maximize the online experience," said Andrew Wilson, Vice President & Executive Producer for the franchise. "Online is the next great frontier in sports gaming. The mode sounds similar to the card collecting in UEFA Champions League 2006-07 and allows players to create an ultimate team and use their cards to customize their tactics as well as gain gameplay bonuses in the matches. EA have announced Ultimate Team, a new downloadable game mode for FIFA 09 on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.